Senin, 25 Mei 2015


1.      Heat is useful, we need heat for many things
2.      Heat from the sun can dry our clothes
3.      Heat from fireplace keeps us warm
4.      We use heat to cook our food
5.      The sun gives out heat
6.      Things that give out heat when we use them are :
-         Lighted candle
-         Oven
-         Lamp
-         Iron
-         Kettle, etc
7.      Some sounds are nice to hear
These sounds can be soft, for example music box
These sounds can be loud, for example trumpet sound
8.      Some sounds are not nice to hear. For example : drilling and thunder
9.      We use sounds to :
-         Tell people what to do
-         Helps us to relax
-         Warn us of danger
10. We can move things by
-  Pushing
-  Pulling
11. A push moves things away from you
12. A pull moves things nearer to you
13. It is easy to move things that are light
14. It is difficult to move things that are heavy
15. Electricity is energy
16. A radio, a computer, an iron, and a hairdryer need electricity to work
17. Alarm clock, torch, camera, car toy get electricity from batteries
18. Three example ways to save electricity are :
-Switch off the fan when they are not use
-Switch off the light, when you go out
-Switch off the radio when they are not use
19. Do not put to many plugs into the same socket
20. Do not put anything other than a plug into a socket
21. Do not touch a socket with wet hands
22.  Be careful not to trip over wires
23. We must not waste electricity. We should turn off the electricity things.When we are not using them
24. In the night is dark because there is no sun that can give us bright light
25. Wind is the moving air

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